Wet Corn Settings for Flagship 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Series Axial Flows Combines

Wet Corn Settings for Flagship 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Series Axial Flows Combines

Here are some suggested that we have used in N.A. This will help you get a good start and you can adjust accordingly to your conditions.

Wet Corn Adjustments for Case IH Flagship combines:

If you are looking for high capacities when combining wet corn that has moisture levels in the high 20’s or into the 30’s, you may want to look for a few things.

  1. Open the right hand white side panels (engine off) and look at the concaves.See if there is any hair pinning (shagging) on the concaves.A certain amount is ok as long as you canstill push your finger through the holes in the concaves (engine off). If you cannot, try running a tighter concave clearance.I recommend the clearanceshould be the thickness of a corncob.You may want to take one concave out to visually check your dimension.The tighter concave clearance will help wipe the leaf material off the concave.Usually, recommend 380 RPM rotor speed. Tighter concave clearance will usually solve the hair pinning issue.

If you absolutely cannot keep the concaves unplugged , the next step would be to install round bar concaves.Always leave a large wire in number 1 right.Start by putting a round bar in number 1 left.Then, if needed, add a round bar to number 2 right and possibly number 2 left.Round bars will not hair pin as bad, however, they move the threshing effect back further in the rotor, so you will also have to add 4 straight bars in the back of the rotor.Put two over the 3 module and two over the 4th module.I like to put them on the locations where the spiked rasp bars are.I then like to take the spikes and move them tonon spike locations.Keep the 8 spikes on the back to tear through the husks with.The straight bars will help prevent rotor loss.Remember, you can also move the back 5 vanes in a straighter position to get more separation ability.

  1. A: Also, look at the crop load on the active grain pan.This will required doing what is known as a “Kill-Stall”. This is a excellent way to evaluate what is going on inside your combine. (Yes, the operator’s manual shows you how to do this in the “field operation” section.) Is there a lot more corn on the right side than the left side?Usually, high moisture corn will tend to load heavier on the right side.If you see this happening, you may notice the high load of corn on the right side is walking all the way back on the right hand side of the sieves.You would then see right hand sieve loss.If you see this, the easy thing to try is to do a positive offset of the sieves.(nice feature with Case IH).In Pro600, go to the toolbox menu. Then, go to the clean tab at bottom.In the clean menu, scroll all the way to the bottom to “sieve offset” .You can enter something like 1%, or 1.5% or 2%, or higher.This will put a automatic tilt on the sieve.(it will raise right hand side so as to allow the corn to even out before it falls on the sieves.) Do a few kill-stalls to evaluate your adjustments.

*B: Another thing that you can do to even out the sieve load is to change the concave position further to the right.This is also called a pinch point adjustment.(I like to do this if the corn is very wet and when using the 2% sieve offset or more still does not even out the corn falling on the sieves.)It is a bit more work, but the operators manual in the”field operation section”explains how to do this.It really isn’t too bad, once you have done it.Rule of thumb is to move the concave to the right about 10 mm.(That’s a little more than a 1/3 of a inch. You may want to take a magic marker and mark the brackets so that if you ever want to move the concave position back, you will know where to move it back to.)Once you have done that, close the concave all the way and then shut the engine off.Spin the rotor by handand make sure the concaves do not touch any of the rasp bars.Then, recalibrate the concave clearance in the pro600. By moving the concave position further to the right, you will find the corn load on the active grain pain will even out the same right to left.If you have put in a sieve offset number in the pro600 as described above, you may have to change it back to 0 degrees offset.The easy way to think about his is to “move the concave to the side that has the highest load”.

  1. Concave width setting: Concave width setting can vary widely depending on if and how the concave were zero adjusted. I like to take out the number 2 left concave. Then with engine off, adjust the concave opening so that a typical cob will just roll between the rasp bar and the concave at 6:00 o’clock position. This should be the sweet spot and you can slight adjust from this. The ears should roll through the concave area (not tumble).With version 21 software or higher, I find that a setting between 15 and 22 is pretty close, and most 70/8010 with (version 16) will start out around 6 or 7.
  2. Rotor speed 380 RPM.Do not go below 350 RPM, as you may see rotor loss go up.
  3. Pre sieve: 4th notch (real wet corn-maybe 5th notch-if you get in fan, you have to close pre-sieve.)
  4. Upper sieve: 17 to 21
  5. Lower sieve: 15 or higher
  6. Fan Speed: 1050 to 1150

If you are reading this, and it seems complicated.It really isn’t once you know what to look for.The adjustments are pretty easy.I know getting capacityand controlling loss is a nightmare for the other brands in high moisture corn!Hope the above helps you.