Sunflower Settings for Flagship 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Series Axial Flows

Suggested Starting Settings for Sunflowers
Flagship 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Series Axial Flows
Here are some suggested settings that we have used in N.A. This will help you get a good start and you can adjust accordingly to your conditions.
Modules: Recommend Large wire or Slotted Modules for the concave area. For the Rear grate area, Solid or Slotted Modules are recommended.
Rotor Configuration: Recommend standard rotor rasp bar configuration. Make sure that there are no “straight bars” on the rotor. You can also use extra set of Helical kicker bars on the rear area of the rotor if you have them. (this helps get the sunflower heads out faster with less breakage and dust.)
Vanes: Recommend putting the back 4 vanes in the Fast position. (recommend to reduce head breakage and dust)
Rotor Speed: 300 RPM
Concave Clearance: 45 MM or about 1.8 inches clearance.
Pre Sieve Setting: Typically use 1 1/8 inch sieve. Setting will be about the 3rd or 4th notch from the top. Better yet is to set the pre sieve louver openings to the thickness of the sunflower seed.
Chaffer Sieve: If using 1 1/8 inch sieves, setting will be aoubt 17 to 18 mm. If using 1 5/8 inch sieves, setting will be tighter to around 13 to 14 mm.
Shoe Sieve: The setting for 1 1/8 sieve is about 15 mm.
Fan Seed: About 800 RPM
Chopper: In order to minimize dust level, it is suggested to run in low speed with the stationary knives down (out of play).
! Sunflowers generally thresh very easy. A lot will already be threshed in the feeder house and transition cone. Threshing and Separating are not usually a problem. Try to make settings that keep the sunflower heads more intact to reduce trash on the sieves. (and also to help reduce dust level.)
! A Chopper Discharge Grate Cover Plate is recommended to prevent trash material from falling on the sieves due to the speed of the chopper rotor.
The Chopper discharge Grate Cover Kit Part Number is 73340388. This is for 30 series, 20 series, and 10 series combines after HAJ202001. (Basically, for model year 2008 and newer)
The Chopper discharge Grate Cover Kit for 10 series combine before HAJ202001 is Part Number 84083460. Some folks call it a Beater Discharge grate cover kit.