Milo Settings for Flagship 50, 40, 30 20, 10, Series Axial Flows

Initial Milo Settings for Flagship 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Series Axial Flows
Here are some suggested settings that we have used in N.A. This will help you get a good start and you can adjust accordingly to your conditions.
Concaves Area: Large Wire Concaves. (If desired – threshing performance can be improved, by placing a small wire concave in right front position.)
Grate Area: Large Skip Wires
Rotor Configuration: Recommend standard rotor rasp bar configuration. Normal AFX Rotor with 8 spike bars on rear half. Note: There should be no straight Separator bars on the rotor.
Vane Position: Mid position
Rotor Speed: 700 to 750 RPM for Dry Milo. 700 to 780 for wetter Milo.
Concave Clearance: 15 to 17 mm for Dry Milo. 12 to 15 for Wet Milo. In order to keep traction on the crop, tighten concave clearance until long straw length is obtained (without stationary chopper knives engaged). Then go to chopping by engaging chopper knife pack. Note: If the milo has greener/wetter/slicker type straw, and concave shagging is occurring, tighten up the concave 1 mm at a time to help clear shagging material off concaves. (a little shagging on first concave is acceptable, but plugging indicates that a tighter clearance is required.)
Pre Sieve: Using 1 1/8 inch pre-sieve – set to 8 mm or about 0.3 inch. (thickness of the seed)
Chaffer Sieve: Using 1 1/8 inch sieves – 18 mm or 0.7 inch.
Shoe Sieve: Using 1 1/8 inch sieve- 15 mm or about 5/8 inch.
Fan Seed: About 950 to 1000 RPM as starting point.
Chopper: High speed if you want to spread straw with stationary knife bank engaged.