Soybean Suggested Settings for Flagship 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Series Axial Flows (update using RB and some automation notes)

Suggested Soybean settings for Flagship
RB = Round Bar
Concaves: Large wire modules for the concaves, but Round bars configuration will work good too. Can leave in the Round bar concaves set up that was used for corn, but have a Large Wire in the Right hand front Grate Area: Use Large Skip Wire in grate area. (* See note below with using the new RB)
Rotor Configuration: Recommend standard rotor rasp bar configuration. Normal AFX Rotor with 8 spike bars on rear half and 4 straight bars.
Vanes: Slow or Mid Position. Usually left in the slow position after it has been changed.. (*May also Increase HP requiremnt)
Rotor Speed: Base line is 600 to 650 RPM (Many of us usually like to take rotor speed up until I see the soybeans actually crack in the grain tank and then, back the rotor down 50 RPM’s to find the sweet spot. We then get no crackage, but can run maximum sweet spot rotor speed) This is a nice way to use for different varieties and moisture levels. Use 2nd range on rotor gear box.
Concave Clearance: Base line is 15 mm.
Pre Sieve: Louver opening should be thickness of soybean seed -3rd or 4th Notch. The long finger corn slat sieve still has a lot of opening when it is closed. We only want 15% of the grain to go through the pre sieve Chaffer Sieve: Base line setting is 14. (1 5/8″ closz/corn Sieve can be used.)
Shoe Sieve: Base line setting is 18. (1 5/8″ Closz or 1 1/8″ small grain sieve can be used.)
Fan Speed: Base line is 1000 RPM. The cleaning system fan is very efficient.
Chopper: High Speed with the stationary knives engaged.
Residue Spreaders: Adjust residue spreader speed to the higher side to try to give full head width spread. If you have 30 series and newer flagship combine, adjust the mass distributor UP (Whales Tail) so equal amount of residue is on the ground between the wheels, verses outside the wheels. Consider kit below.
Elevator Speed: Low speed, less wear and tear on drives
Harvesting Kits for FS Combines
10/20/230 Series Combine Residue kits
Part # is 47829420 which subs to 51474747. Latest divider currently used on 240/250 Series
Kit includes:
- Divider Assembly
- QTY 2 Manual Adjusters
- Screw w/ handle for fore/aft adjustment
- Hardware

Manual Adjust-Fits all vertical spreader options -Tool free
250 Series only – Automation tips
For the 250 Series Combines only, Harvest Command Automation quick set up below- Can be engaged while harvesting, however recommend harvesting at least 4 minutes which will automatically calibrate the sensitives.
To Begin:
1. Enable Automation by pressing the top of the Automation switch. The letter “A” will display in the Icon below.

2. After selecting the Automation tab, make sure the Crop type, Strategy, Max ground speed and Max engine load is set. This section is found in the Basic Tab. See pic below.
- Suggested Strategy is Performance mode. The priority in this mode is to reduce losses.
- Suggested Max Ground speed-depending on field conditions, 4.5 mph is a good start place.
- Suggested Max Engine Load- 105%. This allows a cushion to recover in tough conditions.

3. Select the advanced tab
- Suggested Initial settings set to Current Setup. This will use the current settings such as the recommended settings, when Automation is activated, therefore allowing the Automation to automate to those settings.
- Suggested Adjust Frequency setting set to Medium. This setting will take 20 seconds before changes are made.
- Suggested Threshing condition set to Medium. This will adjust the Cage vanes depending on rotor loss.
- Suggested Max Rotor speed, set to crop type. Corn 420 and Soybeans 720 pm.

4. Use the Feed rate, be sure to use this mode when using the Automation. Sometimes this is called “Cruise Control” which allows the Combine to vary the ground speed automatically while optimizing the settings.
- While harvesting for at least 4 minutes under a consistent crop load and the speed you want, engage the FeedRate by pressing and holding the Feedrate button for 2 seconds. An audible beep will sound as well as an icon on the display. At this point, it is activated.
- To increase/decrease the ground speed, press and hold the shift button located at the front of the handle, then use the -/+ feeder up/down to speed up or slow down. This will reset your target set point every time this is pushed.
- To disengage the FeedRate when unloading, move the handle back or forward. To reengage, press the Feedrate button once, it is now activated again.

5. The Automation can be fine-tuned if need be. Use the funnels to change the sensitivities. Also, refer to the operator’s manual for further explanations of the sensitivities. Make sure to harvest at least 4 minutes to calibrate the sensitivities.