Canola Settings for Flagship 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Series Axial Flows

Here are some suggested that we have used in N.A. This will help you get a good start and you can adjust accordingly to your conditions.
Concaves: Small Wire modules in concave area. In order to get best threshing, make sure the concaves have been zero adjusted and the concave are level to the rotor front to back.
Grate Area: Recommend a large wire in the number 3 position (right and left) and a large skip wire in number 4 position (right and left). We think you will like are recommendation for better grain savings.
Rotor Configuration: Recommend standard rotor rasp bar configuration. Normal AFX Rotor with 8 spike bars on rear half. Note: There should be no straight Separator bars on the rotor.
Rotor Cage: Recommend Cover plates over the 2nd module position. They are recommended to keep straw, pod, chaff off the cleaning system. See Parts information below.
Vanes: Mid Position
Rotor Speed: 600 RPM. Use 2nd Range in rotor gearbox. (Make sure there are no straight bars on the rotor.)
Concave Clearance: 15 to 20 mm (About .8 inches) (early model flagship combines with early software may read as a 5 to 6 setting.
Pre Sieve: Use 1 and 1/8th inch grain pre sieve – Set to 1/8 inch.
Upper Sieve: Using 1 and 1/8th inch upper sieve- Suggest 10 mm.
Lower Sieve: Using 1 and 1/8th inch lower sieves- Suggest 12 mm.
Fan Speed: About 600 RPM
Chopper: High Speed with stationary knives engaged. (If you are going to windrow and want to set the chopper to Low Speed, be sure to drop the stationary knives all the way down.
Setting Notes: Since canola is a very small seed, we suggest that you make sure the concave to rotor is zero’d out and level to the rotor (parallel to the rotor). Also, make sure the concave clearance and the sieves have been calibrated so that the numbers that you set to on the monitor correlate correctly to the exact opening settings of the concaves and sieves.
Parts Information:
Upper Cage Filler Covers over Concave Area
87584185 is the part number for the upper Cage filler plate service kit. (kit includes both L.H. and R.H. cage filler plates) These plates would go above the #2 Module section. (Note: If you have a hard thresh kit for wheat, that kit would include these cover plates.) See Picture.

Chopper discharge Grate Cover Kit for 20 series combines and 10 series combines after HAJ202001
Use Parts Service Kit 73340388. This is the cover and the hardware. (For model year 2008 and newer)
chopper cover1

Chopper discharge Grate Cover Kit for 10 series combine before HAJ202001
Use 84083460 Beater Discharge grate cover kit.