7230 is Great Machine!
We started out with a case ih 2166 combine with a 20 ft flex head and a 6 row corn head but we out grew the machine in 2009 and we got a new 6088 with a 30 ft 2162 and a used 2208 8 row 30 inch corn head I liked this machine but I had some straw chopper bearing issues with it. We put about 1500 hrs on this machine in 3 yrs and we traded for a 2013 7230 which is now 1 year old today as I write this post. I have to say that by far it is my most favorite machine out of the three we have had. And my reason for liking it the most is the simplicity of the design, the cab is just great, and I can set this machine to give me better grain samples in the field than I could my older machines. We run the same 2208 corn head and 2162 draper on it. My 7230 has a magna cut straw chopper in it and it does a great job with residue. We plant soybeans directly behind wheat and rapeseed in june and my 6088 just didn’t quite give me the chop and spread quality I was looking for but this 230 series is just great with that task. We grow corn irrigated and dry land, soybeans, wheat, grain sorghum, and rapeseed. I just love my 7230 great machine case ih just keep on improving this design and keeping it simple. One more thing this web site has helped me a whole lot with my harvest settings thanks for all you do with this site. Henry L.