Case IH Axial Flow Combines/Headers have some really Nice Features! Below is just a partial list of items that make them the Machine of Choice!
2018 140 Series Enhancements:
- Enhancements to Cab trim and liners, such as B-post covers, dedicated plug for cooler box. Also new cloth and leather high back seats.
- 140 series will be telematics ready.
- 5140 gets a unload speed increase from 2.5 bu/sec to 3.0 bu/sec.
2018 240 Series Enhancements:
- Enhancements to Cab trim and liners, such as B-post covers, dedicated plug for cooler box. Also new cloth and leather high back seats.
- 240 series are telematics ready.
- Feeder chain slats are changed from rolled steel to ductile iron for improved strength and prevent bending.
- 3% increase in cleaning sieve area by removing the sieve divider cover plates. There is also new indicator on back of sieve which is easier to read.
- The 8240 gets a faster unload rate. Goes from 4.0 bu/sec to 4.5 bu/sec.
- The 410 bushel manual grain tank get better handles.
- Cleaning system brush seal added to right hand side over cross augers. (helps reduce grain being thrown up from augers.)
- Instead of a toolbox, there will be a new storage box within the battery box with a portable toolbox tray.
- 9240 engine air filter will have a new handle molded into the filter top.
2017 Axial Flow enhancements in general (140 and 240 series):
- Beacon lights are now LED style. Also the amber warning lights are now LED style.
- Some general improvements to the DEF system, such as finger 40 micron DEF filter, New drain valve on tank, improved sending unit, and better fittings.
- All models get the new 21 tooth jackshaft splines. (vs the 540 style splines) to handle more power to the heads. (heads will require the 21 tooth PTO)
2017 240 Series Enhancements:
- 240 series will be telematics ready (makes it easy to add AFS Connect)
- High Wear Transition cone was made standard (started at serial number YGG230914) 240 series combines can also be ordered with a Chrome cone for longer life yet.
- There is option to get automatic cleaning fan RPM adjustment for use when running on uphill or downhill slopes.
- 240 series get new course coupler unloading auger drive splines (at the elbow) for longer life. (roughly went into product about mid-year 16).
2016 Enhancements for Mid-Range Combines (5140, 6140, 7140)
- Basic Specs for 2015 models (5140, 6140, 7140):
- 5140 = 265 HP base with 308 HP Peak, 250 bushel grain tank (300 is optional).
- 6140 = 348 HP base with 411 HP Peak, 300 bushel grain tank.
- 7140 = 375 HP base with 442 HP Peak, 300 bushel grain tank.
- Some enhancements in the cab as in better floormat, HVAC controls are backlit, seat lever controls easier to use, the leather seat option will have the ventilated perforations, multi function handle will have look and feel like the flagship combines, electric transmission shifting-no more lever, the Pro 700 is now on a slider rail for easy adjustment, beacons are standard.
- AFS connect is available as a dealer installed option.
- Advanced Line Acquisition: new software helps combine acquire the guidance line quicker and smoother.
- Two Speed transmission: New two speed electric shift transmission is available in two versions. The standard one is with a 2 -speed fixed hydro motor with LO/HI ranges. The optional version is a 2-speed transmission with a variable displacement hydro motor. They offer a nice wide speed range good traction efforts. Shifting is not by a rotary switch in the cab.
- Rock trap version will have a new rock trap beater with a spiral design (similar to flagship combines).
- New split concaves: Now a single concave section of the prior will become two individual concaves. The will make it easier to lift and remove concaves as the section weight will be about 38 pounds.
- New Auger bed. New is a six auger bed system which replaces the 5 bed system. The result is a higer capacity system.
- NEW CROSS FLOW Cleaning system Option: Great for sidehills. This option has a actuator that also provides the upper sieve with side strokes towards the uphill side. The side strokes are controlled automatically. Makes the sieve system much more efficient on side slopes.
- The clean grain elevator position has changed to the outside position. In other words, the clean grain elevator and the tailings elevator changed positions. This allows for increase in size with up to 5000 bushels per hour. (about 20% more.) Elevator paddle surface was also increased.
- The incline auger was also changed for the higher capacity. The diameter is increased and now has a separate gearbox to drive the incline auger.
- The yield monitor has been updated to provide more detailed flow rates and measure at higher flow levels. It is same as 240 series combines.
- The cross flow cleaning system option will also include easy clean out troughs for the clean grain auger and the tailings auger. -There will be a pivoting spout option now available in 2016 models. It will work similar to the 240 flagship combines.
- The chopper will have the chopper blades mounted in a chevron pattern instead of the spiral pattern. This helps in reliability and balancing.
- New Rotor deflector. Located right behind the rotor. It will have 4 positions to help divert material to the chopper more evenly.
- New residue system. The spreaders are now hydraulically driven and speed can be adjusted from the cab. Speed range is 300 to 750 rpm. There are different residue option packages such that can windrow to in-cab spread width deflectors.
- 2016 models are pre-wired for camera kits.
- The 2016 Midrange models received many enhancements. See your Case IH dealer for more details!
- You can see some of these new features on the CaseIHTube channel on you tube. Go to:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNOco_BF_oQ
2016 Enhancements for 2016 Flagship Combines (7240, 8240, 9240)
- Basic specs for 2015 are:
- 7240 = Rated at 402 HP with 468 HP Peak. Uses FPT 11.1 Liter engine. 315 bushel grain tank size. Option for 410 bushels.
- 8240 = Rated at 480 HP with 555 HP Peak. Uses a FPT 12.9 Liter engine. New 410 Bushel Grain tank.
- 9240 = Rated at 550 HP with 625 HP Peak. Uses a FPT 15.9 Liter engine. New 410 Bushel grain tank.
- Some enhancements in the cab as in better floormat, HVAC controls are backlit, seat lever controls easier to use, the leather seat option will have the ventilated perforations, multi function handle will have look and feel like the flagship combines, electric transmission shifting-no more lever, the Pro 700 is now on a slider rail for easy adjustment, beacons are standard.
- AFS connect available as a dealer installed item.
- Advanced Line Acquisition: new software helps combine acquire the guidance line quicker and smoother.
- Top feeder shaft splines (equipped with rock trap) are now lubricated with a grease zerk. 100 hour interval.
- High Wear transition cone is now standard on 2016 models. (Painted red)
- 7240 grain tank standard size is 315 bushels, however options are available to get a 410 bushel grain tank capacity.
- The chopper bearings were enhanced. A new improved design change has increased radial capacity with more robust locking feature and improved seals.
- The spreader impeller clearance divider (whales tail) has been enhanced. The manual version is much easier to adjust the divider clearance. This will become the main method to control spread width instead of the chutes. There is a in-cab option to make the adjustment also. There is also another option to electrically control the discharge door and the ability to in-cab chop swath control.
- A variety of tires are available. Such as IF, VF, CFO tires and brands.
- Enhanced sensor are now used in the following locations – Cleaning, Shaker speed sensor, Tailing processor speed sensor, Clean grain elevator speed sensor, Unload tube position sensor, Chopper speed sensor, Counter knife bank position sensor (manual knife bank adjustment only), Spreader position sensor, Rear ladder position sensor.
- Camera kits are available:
- 47542813 – flagship camera kit for the 230 series produced in model year 2014 and 2015.
- 47822379 – flagship camera kit for the 240 series – 410 bushel machines.
- 47844095 – common camera kit for the 140 and 240 series combines for production model year 2016.
! Be sure to check Caseih.com for the latest information on enhancement!
2015 Enhancements for Mid-Range Combines (5140, 6140, 7140)
- Basic Specs for 2015 models (5140, 6140, 7140):
- 5140 = 265 HP base with 308 HP Peak, 250 bushel grain tank (300 is optional).
- 6140 = 348 HP base with 411 HP Peak, 300 bushel grain tank.
- 7140 = 375 HP base with 442 HP Peak, 300 bushel grain tank.
- Option for larger feeder lift cylinders on the 6140 and 7140 models. 5140 has 75mm cylinders. The 61/7140 has option for 80mm or 85mm feeder lift cylinders.
- The feeder drive belt idler has been changed from a spring tension to a hydraulic cylinder type tensioner. The design is simpler with a reduced maintenance point. (you no longer have to grease the spring adjustment rod.)
- Feeder Structure Enhancement: There are many improvements in the feeder house structure. Improvements include strengthen rock trap house, feeder support wings, pivot castings, and the feeder adapter. Improvements added for today’s larger heads.
- New Radio Option to include Sirius XM satellite ready option.
- 2015 models (40 series) are tier 4B engine rated.
2015 Enhancements for 2015 Flagship Combines (7240, 8240, 9240)
- Basic specs for 2015 are:
- 7240 = Rated at 403 HP with 468 HP Peak. Uses NEW FPT 11.1 Liter engine. 315 bushel grain tank size.
- 8240 = Rated at 480 HP with 555 HP Peak. Uses a 12.9 Liter engine. New 410 Bushel Grain tank.
- 9240 = Rated at 550 HP with 625 HP Peak. Uses a NEW FPT 15.9 Liter engine. New 410 Bushel grain tank.
- Lateral Feeder tilt is now standard Equipment.
- Many Feeder House Enhancements: To accommodate higher harvest speeds and larger headers, many structural enhancements have been added to the feeder house area. Visit Case IH dealer for all the changes.
- Dual Feeder House Tilt Cylinder Option: There is a new parts kit that can be installed on 2015 models that provides for lateral tilt assist. Especially useful for larger 45 foot plus heads. The part number is 47598288.
- NEW larger grain tank on the 8240 and 9240: These models now feature a impressive 410 bushel grain tank.
- The inclined delivery auger has been enhanced to provide more even filling of the new larger grain tanks. The end bearing hanger has been rotated and changed from a bolted to a welded style for increased strength.
- New Yield monitor sensor: The new sensor contains default calibrations to provide more accurate yield readings for operators that do not calibrate the yield monitors as often as they should.
- New Grain Tank Cover/Extension Sensor: For this in-cab option, the will now confirm when the covers/extensions are open. (They now confirm when they are open and closed.)
- New Standard Cut Chopper. The new chopper has been changed from 28 blade to a new 24 blade design. The new 24 blade features the same chop quality with less blades. The new design uses the same blade cast mounting lugs as the 40 blade option, and also the more direct entry of the stationary blades when they are engaged.
- The MagnaCut (Fine Cut) Counter Knife Bank has also had a number of improvements such as a enhanced slot profile, making it easier to engage and retract.
- New Sieve Rubber Curtain: To provide better material flow from the sieves to the chaff pan, a new rubber curtain has been added. It helps prevent the chance of material falling between the sieve loss sensor and the chaff pan for better residue coverage.
- New Windrow Rubber Curtains: Rubber curtains have been added to each side of the straw hood to better direct material onto the windrow chute.
- A number of enhancements have been made to the In-Cab chopper Counter bank option to maintain better control of the system.
- The 40 Series meets Tier 4B Standards using SRC Technology. State of the art FPT engines include the 11.1L, 12.9L, and 15.9L. All 2015 240 series have Common Rail Fuel system.
- New Larger Fuel tanks: The 7240 and 8240 have a larger 297 gallon fuel tank. The 9240 has a new 317 Gallon Dual Fuel tank.
- New Stationary Air Screen: The high capacity cooling system now uses a stationary screen with a rotating wand. The new design includes an evacuator system that draws debris of the screen via the wand. A tree guard bar is available as an option to help protect the screen/wand system if required.
- New Right Hand rear panel: With the new enhanced wand air cleaning system, the right hand rear panel now incorporates vents for additional air flow.
- The 9240 gets a hydraulically driven cooling fan for added efficiency.
- New battery charging system. The tier 4b SCR system now runs off of 12 volts (instead of previous 24 volts). This allows both batteries to be charged with the 185 amps charging system. For starting, a swap relay is used to supply 24 volts to the starter.
- New Radio option to include Sirius XM Ready capability.
- A number of new Tires are available that include the new “IF” technology. (Increased Flex)
- Track options include both 36 inch wide tracks and 30 inch wide tracks.
2014 Enhancement Highlights for Midrange Combines (5140, 6140, 7140)
- Lateral Feeder tilt is now standard
- The residue spreader disk cone wall thickness is increased to 6 mm. Was 3.6 mm.
- The big change is going to Tier 4 B final Engine. This happened in February 2014.
- Fuel Fill location is updated with new fuel lock box.
- A right side sunshade is available as a DIA option kit. The p/n is 47584073.
- The % of Engine power can now be read all the time on the display (just like the 230 series).
- New Clean-out Function added. If changing crops, go to clean out function button. The cleaning fan will go to 1200 rpm and the sieves will open to 20 mm.
- New OAT coolant starting at serial number YDG012001.
2014 Enhancements Highlights for Flagship Combines (7230, 8230, 9230)
- New feeder gear box brush seal. (to maximize grain savings!)
- The top Feeder Gearbox housing has been upgraded to ductile iron for added strength.
- A new cast rotor vane was added to the rear right hand side. (adds to cage strength in very high load conditions).
- Improved Air flow to the pre-sieve. New outlet duct behind the fan improve air flow and direction.
- Bottom grain sheet angle changed from 16 degrees to 19 degrees. Provides better flow of grain to the clean grain auger, especially wetter crops.
- Clean Grain Cross auger improvements. The last 14.9” of auger diameter has been increased from 9.1 inches to 10.6 inches. It charges the clean grain elevator more effectively.
- The last 14.9 inches of the clean grain tube to elevator is now conical shape for better grain flow and capacity.
- Clean grain elevator paddles now have a backing plate and larger rivets for extra capacity.
- Bubble up auger: The transaction inlet between the clean grain elevator and the bubbler has be increased. It has a conic shape section for better grain flow.
- Chopper bearings have gone to 100 hour grease interval instead of 600 hours. Longer life.
- New In-cab spreader residue options. Check out the product information bulletin.
- Chaffer Pan now includes vanes to direct smaller material to the spreaders more effectively.
- The manual 3 sided residue chute adjustment is now a quick spring load pin for fast adjustment.
- Hyd. Spreader motors now have more torque. (90 cc motor and 32 cc pump. It used to be a 74 cc hyd motor and a 28cc pump.)
- Distance LED light option available. They would mount on the mirror brackets. Long distant lighting.
- Unloading auger will stop if you are out of the seat more than 5 seconds.
- New Feed Rate Option available.
- Factory Pre-Wired for Cameras on 2014 models.
- New OAT coolant starting at YEG223375 serial number.
- New wheel dish offering for custom cutters to keep width below 14 feet.
2013 New Cab
There is a new cab combine on the Axial Flow combines starting in the 1st quarter of 2013.
New 2012 30 Series FlagShip Combine Enhancements (7230, 8230,9230):
- New Tier 4 Engines: Tier 4 combine engines will use the SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction). The 7230 will use the 8.7 liter FPT engine at 440 peak HP. The 8230 will use the 12.9 liter FPT engine rated at 510 peak HP (The prior 8120 used the 10.3 liter engine). The 9230 also uses the 12.9 liter engine with a peak horsepower of 560.
- NEW High and efficient unload rates of 4.0 bu./sec. on 7230 and 8230 models and 4.5 bu./sec. on the 9230. The increase is due to larger cross-augers to convey more grain, wider openings in unload sump, and larger vertical/horizontal unload augers.
- The NEW Case Iron unload elbow provide a smooth transition from the vertical to the horizontal auger. The smooth transition enhances unload efficiency and better grain quality. The new cast iron elbow also allows for a 2 degree horizontal auger slope.
- The NEW auger swing cylinder design has been increased to handle the larger and longer unload auger. The new swing cylinder now has a Barrel Diameter of 3.66” from prior 2.75”.
- NEW optional dual drive control on 7230 and 8230, and standard on 9230 provides the ability to turn off cross augers and empty the unload auger.
- Three NEW Unload Auger Lengths to choose from : There are 3 new unload auger lengths. They are measured from the center of the cab to the tip of the unload spout. The base tube (for <30 ft. headers) measures 23 feet 6 inches. The intermediate length option is 28 feet 9 inches (for 35 to 40 foot headers). The long unload length option is 30 feet 5 inches (recommended for 45 foot headers, and also 40 foot headers).
- Six Residue Options to choose from: Note that the Discharge deflector and the windrow door are now standard on all chopper options
Chopper | Rotating Blades | Fixed Counter Kife Blades | Individual Counter Knife Protection | Discharge Deflector | Windrow Door | Windrow Chute |
Beater | N/A | N/A | NA | Fixed | Standard | NA |
Standard | 28 | 21 | NA | Adjustable | Standard | NA |
MagnaCut Fine Cut | 40 | 40 | Standard | Adjustable | Standard | Standard |
MagnaCut Fine Cut Delux | 40 | 40 | Standard | In-Cab Electric | Standard | Standard |
MagnaCut Extra Fine Cut | 120 | 40 | Standard | Adjustable | Standard | Standard |
MagnaCut Extra Fine Cut Delux | 120 | 40 | Standard | In-Cab Electic | Standard | Standard |
- The MagnaCut chopper option comes with a counter knife breakaway feature that protects each knife individually to prolong knife life and protect it from foreign objects. The Knife can simply be reset by retightening the bolt with a wrench.
- Vertical spreaders provide optimal spread width with NEW three side chutes to control spread width. The new spreader inlet provides better material flow into the spreader for better spreading of chaff and straw.
- The NEW adjustable mass distribution allows for fine tuning the spread to obtain an even distribution across the entire width of header.
- The NEW Pro700 is now offered in the 2012 combines. It offers faster processing speeds, reduced weight, USB port for data transfer, and the ability to add up to 3 camera inputs!
- Increased torque capacity of the starters provides increased starting capacity in cold weather. The 7230 starter gets a 73% increase in torque over prior year. The 8230 and 9230 get a 42% increase in starter torque over prior year.
- The NEW sealed storage area provides a larger area for tools and spare parts. It is located on the left side of the combine.
- A NEW sealed battery box with remote battery posts increases the life of the batteries by providing a clean operating environment. There is also a optional hand wash station available which would be located on the left side of the combine ahead of the battery area.
- In addition to the 36” Goodyear track offering, Camoplast tracks will also be offered so customers can maintain the same brand on the Steigers and Axial Flow combines.
Notes on Key Features and Advantages of the Flagship 30 Series Axial Flows:
- High Capacity – Feeder opening of 49.5” wide and floating drum opening of 5”
- High Strength Feeder Chain – 4 strand 3 slat chain w/ “U” Shaped Slats
- Spring loaded feeder for easy maintenance and proper tensioning for optimal feeder chain life
- Terrain Tracker – 10°of tilt range for increased ground following capability
- Optional HD Lift Package – 90mm lift cylinders and larger tilt cylinder for heavy heads
- Improved header cradle for easier hookup and header retention
- PowerPlus CVT removes the need of belts to provide maximum durability for the high horsepower combines
- Three speed rotor gearbox ensures the most efficient power transfer from the CVT
- Rotor deslug allows operator to reverse the rotor from the cab and use the full capacity of the machine without the fear of having to manually deslug the rotor or replace a belt
- Cross Flow fan provides even air flow across entire width of cleaning system
- Self Leveling cleaning system levels up to 12% to increase capacity on side hills
- 10,075 sq. in. of cleaning system on all models, including 7230, provides high capacity cleaning without sacrificing sample quality
- Tri-Sweep Tailings Processor increases rotor capacity by rethreshing material and returning it directly to the cleaning system
- Two speed elevator can provide up to 6,000 bu/hr. for the highest capacity rice and corn applications
- Top inclined delivery auger reduces grain damage and horsepower consumption by delivering grain to the top of the pile
- Easy removal of cross auger housing troughs allows for easy cleanout of machine
- Large Grain Tank Capacities with standard no tools required quick folding grain tank extensions.
- 7230 – 315 bu.
- 8230 and 9230 – 350 bu.
- Optional In-Cab folding grain tank extensions for easier transport/storage or covers to keep wet weather out.
!!!! The 30 series FlagShip Combines are still the leaders in the field in the class 7, 8, and 9 markets
2012 Midrange 30 series combines. This would be the new 5130, 6130, and 7130 models
- New Tier 4 Engines: The 5130 gets the 6.7 liter FPT engine at 295 peak HP. The 6130 gets the 8.7 FPT engine at 380 peak HP, and the 7130 gets the 8.7 liter engine at 410 peak HP. These new engines should provide nice enhanced fuel economy over the prior series!
- The rock trap version feeders have been lengthen 4.7 inches. This is done to counteract the extra weight from the new engines and the 40 gallon DEF tanks. Weight ratio continues to be the 60/40 ratio. They also get bigger feeder lift cylinders. (On non-rock trap machines, the feeder is 8.9 inches longer.)
- The capacity on rock trap feeders has been increased by 15% depending on crop and conditions. The new capacity increase is attributed to lowering the feeder floor and inlet/exit areas of the rock trap by approximately ½ inch.
- The unload rate for the 6130 and 7130 has been increased from 3.0 bu./sec to 3.2 bu./sec. The new increase in unload rate means less time will be required to unload. The increase in unloading speed was accomplished by a slight change in the unloader drive sprocket and opening up the sump area between the cross augers to the vertical auger. Opening up the sump area has made the unloader horsepower efficiency better on all 30 series midrange combines.
- There is a 300 Bushel grain tank option is available on the 5130.
- For residue management, the spreader shafts are now hardened along with spreader drive gear enhancements. The spreader cones also get a extra bolt to the spread shaft for better retention in high, high wet residue conditions.
- New, lower 2100 engine operating RPM to save fuel and engine wear! The new FPT engine models also offer automatic low idle speeds of 600 rpm to increase fuel saving when the combine is not under load.
- A new PTO Gear Case has been designed for the new FPT engines. The new gear case is designed to operate at 2100 rpm instead of the prior gear case that operated at 2400 rpm.
- All 5130, 6130 and 7130 Axial-Flow combines incorporate a new 105 cc hydro pump. The new hydro pump speed has been increased by 30% to provide increased output capacity. To further improve hydro power, new differential ratios have been incorporated to provide improved traction and ground speed.
- Direct Drive Hydro Pump: The Direct drive hydro pump no longer uses a coupling that can wear. The hydro pump is mounted directly to the new PTO housing. It also eliminates the coupling grease zerk (the one that used to be hard to get at.) No coupling means no grease zerk!
- Direct Drive Header Lift Pump: The Main pump, also known as the header lift pump is now driven directly off the new PTO housing. It eliminates another belt and pulley setup. This make the machine simpler to maintain!
- The new Pro700 is now offered in the 2012 combines. It offers faster processing speeds, reduced weight, USB port for data transfer, and the ability to add up to 3 camera inputs!
!!!! The 30 series Midrange Combines are still the leaders in the field in the class 5,6 and 7 markets!
Cleaning Capacity!
In our industry, cleaning size really does matter. Case IH does not disappoint with its industry leading lineup of cleaning systems. From a Class 5 (5088) to a Class 9 (9120), Axial Flow Combines lead the industry in total cleaning area which is calculated in square inches. Case IH Midrange combines (5088 – 7088) dominate the industry with 7,947 sq. in. of cleaning space each. Flagship Series combines (7120 – 9120) don’t disappoint either with 8,370 sq. in. in the 7120 and a whopping 10,075 sq. in. in the 8120 and 9120 combines. In comparison, Axial Flow combines blow the doors off the competition with 2451 sq. inches of difference in a Class 5 machine and 1932 sq. inches more cleaning area in a Class 8 machine. Remember, clean samples, and minimal losses are a result of a well set, well matched cleaning system. See a comparison chart below…
- 5088 – 7,947 in2 – (9570 – 5495 in2) = 2451 in2 advantage
- 6088 – 7,947 in2 – (9670 – 6964 in2) = 983 in2 advantage
- 7088 – 7,947 in2 – (9770 – 6964 in2) = 983 in2 advantage
- 7120 – 8,370 in2 – (9770 – 6964 in2) = 1406 in2 advantage
- 8120 – 10,075 in2 – (9870 – 8143 in2) = 1932 in2 advantage
- 9120 – 10,075 in2 – (?)
2162 Flex Draper Header
The 2162 is available in 30, 35, and 40 foot sizes. It has dual spring coil flotation springs that allow vertical float of 7 inches and 4.8 degrees of lateral float each way. The wings can also float 5 inches up and 5 inches down. The wings can also be locked to make the header setup for rigid cut. It has its own built in hydraulic knife drive along with Hyd. feed draper drive (speeds can be adjusted on both.) Auto header height control is standard equipment along with the easy to read reference gauge. The gauge is clearly visible from the combine cab. The left-hand gauge monitors the amount of pressure applied to the ground, and the right-hand gauge monitors the angle of the cutterbar. The Hydraulic top link is also standard. It allows you to rock the header fore and aft right from the cab. Cut as close as you like, or roll back to ride over obstacles such as rocks or gofer mounds. Don’t forget the “Flip Over Reel” design. The reel fingers actually do a complete flip, which works wonderfully to reduce wrapping on the reel. One of the options we recommend is the on board spare knife. You can get the spare knife from the factory and it rides on the head in the main frame support tube. Another option that is offered on 40 foot models is the dual knife drive. Depending on your area, you might also consider the “on-board” slow speed transport system option.

Turning Radius
The 88 and 20 series combines utilize a offset Kingpin design for enhanced turning. The wheelbase on a 88 series is 150 inches. The wheel base on a 20 series is 149 inches. A typical John Deere combine uses old style end of axle pivot kingpin with a 148 inch wheel base. Depending on rear wheel axle spacing, the “Offset King Pin” design offers as much as a 40% tighter turning advantage. Axial Flow does it better!
Heavy Duty Drive Systems
Clearly, the leader in the industry for heavy duty drives, serviceability and simplicity is Case IH Axial Flow combines. Let’s talk Belts and Chains. The 20 Series (Flagship combines) have 6 belts and 3 chains. The 88 series (Midrange combines) have 10 belts and 4 chains. That is a lot less than most other brand combines. Consider?: Do you like a nice clean look when you open up the side panels or do you like to see pulleys, belts, chains everywhere? The 88 series feature heavy duty rotor drives. A 5088 has a 2.25 inch wide rotor belt and a 6088,7088 have a huge 3 inch wide rotor belt. Also, remember, that the 20 series has heavy duty CVT drives for variable speed and reversing of the rotor and the feeder/header (no belts, pulleys required for these drives)!
Cab size and Visibility
For a lot of owner/operators, the combine cab is the office during the fall. The size and visibility of the Axial Flow make a great field office. Let’s compare specification: The 88 series cab is 66 inches wide. A typical JD cab is 6 inches less and a Lexion is 9 inches less in width. The 88 series has 55 square feet of glass, The typical JD combine has 52 square feet and the typical Lexion has 52.7 square feet. Here is a few things comparing the 20 series to the brands. The 20 series has 110 cu. Ft. of interior space. The typical JD has 92 Cu. Ft. and the typical Lexion has only 52.7 cu. ft. of interior space. In comparing square feet of glass, the 20 series has 62.3 sq. ft., the typical JD has again only 52 sq. ft, and the typical Lexion has 52.7 square feet. If you need a place to conduct your fall harvest business, choose the Case IH Axial Flow for the ultimate “Field Office”!
Integrated Chopper feature
The integrated Chopper is a pretty cool feature on the Axial Flow combines. When you get a chopper on a Axial Flow combine, it is located right behind the rotor. It can take the crop material directly from the rotor to chop and direct it to the spreaders. There are really a couple of neat things about this system. 1. Speed and chop quality: It is very easy to change the speeds of the chopper. They come with two speed adjustment. On the 88 series it can easily be done on the right hand side of the combine and on the 20 series it can be easily changed on the left side of the combine (a lot easier than other brands). There is also stationary knife pack that can be easily moved up and down to create different qualities of chop. 2. Residue control: Since the chopper is right behind the rotor, it can direct the material directly to the spreaders. There are a variety of spreader adjustments to give a very nice uniform spread and width of spread. (the 88 series uses the 2 speed manual driven system and the 20 series uses the variable “in-cab adjustment” hydraulic driven fan spreader system. Both can be easily adjusted for the ultimate residue management. Note: the 20 series combines can be ordered with 3 different chopper offerings – a Standard cut, a Fine Cut, or a Magna Cut chopper. Additional feature is that the knives come with edges on both sides. So, when one edge becomes worn out and dull, you can turn the knives around and have brand new sharp edge surface
20 Series Feeder to Ground Speed Feature
20 series combines have a feeder to ground speed option which is standard equipment. It is similar to reel to ground speed. This is a exclusive feature to Case IH 20 series combines. There is a feeder option for Auto Operation.The feeder ratio to ground speed can be set by the operator to a specific ratio. In the Pro600, go to screen > Main>Toolbox>Feeder tab to set. Auto operation requires that a minimum and maximum feeder speed be configured and placing the feeder auto mode rocker switch in the “AUTO” position. The feeder speed will be at minimum until the ground speed exceeds the minimum preset, will then vary as a function of ground speed while below the maximum preset and will be at maximum should ground speed exceed the maximum limit. The feeder requested ratio to ground speed will be maintained, regardless of the engine speed. These settings are header sensitive. The header drive operating range at high idle is 460-698 RPM (jackshaft speed). AND, if course, you can use the Manual method on the right hand console.
Axial flow Separating capacity feature
The Axial Flow Separating capacity is one of the largest in the industry. High capacity separating means less grain loss, and more money in the growers pocket. This is especially important for operators who grow high volume crops such as corn. One thing that a Axial Flow has is the extra separating holes in the upper part of the cage. Other manufactures do not have this. The Axial Flow can use both gravity and centrifugal force to do separation. Most other brands rely only on gravity separation. The 88 series has 156 degrees of concave wrap plus separating slots over the grate area on top of the cage. The 20 series has 180 degrees of concave wrap plus roughly twice as many separating slots over the grate area and even has separating slots over the concave area. This is a big plus in high volume crops!

Impellor Blades/Transition Cone
Did you know? The impellor blades on the front of the rotor (transition cone) draw upwards of 1100 cubic feet of air per minute through the Axial Flow combine! That means the dust goes through the machine and does not hang in a cloud in front of the operator which limits visibility and frequent window cleaning. Axial Flow is the only combine to have this feature! The extra air flow also aids in helping kernels separate out through the cage and module openings. Of course the main job of the transition/impellor area is to gently bring crop up to speed for the rotor to thresh and separate (which greatly reduces grain damage).
-De-Slug Operation-Flagship: Do you know how to use the De-slug feature in a 20 series combine? It is pretty simple: 1. Move separator switch to rearward position (let go and it will go back to neutral). 2. Then, Move the separator switch to the forward position. (you will notice that everything is running on the combine except the rotor. The chopper is running, the sieves and the fan are running). 3. Run engine at full throttle. 4. Use the rotor speed rocker switch. “minus“ will back the rotor up and “plus” will turn the rotor forward/normal direction. You can rock the rotor. We usually say to back the rotor up just a little bit and the run it forward + . Repeat as necessary to de-slug the rotor. You may lower the concave slightly, but not too much minus. Try a little reverse and then forward moving the slug to the rear. We Want the Slug to go out the back of the machine! Remember, that you can shift the rotor gear box to 1st gear for the most rotor rocking power! Go out and try this on your machine in the yard ahead of time and learn how to do it. Case IH is the only company to have this feature! Can you imagine the value? If a operator slugs the machine, one can de-slug a flagship combine in short order. Time is money- imagine not backing up your whole operation (truck, drying, tillage, ect) for the day! In a 20 series Axial Flow, you can be cool and stay cool!